He looks up at the rafters-the likeliest place-but they are bare. Rafters carry the weight of the roof. 他抬头扫视屋顶上的椽子(里是蛇最可能出没的地方)但没有。椽木支撑住屋顶的重量。
This paper introduces a number of bare and multichip module stacking technologies that are emerging to meet the ever increasing demands for low power consumption, low weight and compact systems. 简要介绍为满足日益增长的低功耗、轻重量、小体积系统的应用需求而涌现出的多种裸芯片封装与多芯片叠层封装技术。
Principal component analysis indicated that kernels per row, ear diameter, row numbers, ear length, bare tip length and weight of 100-kernel orderly was the principal factor influencing single-plant yield. 主成分分析表明,对单株产量表现影响最大的依次是行粒数因子、穗粗因子、行数因子、穗长因子、秃尖长因子、百粒重因子。